

Artist Statement:

“The farm is my muse” -Hannah Sessions

As a farmer (Blue Ledge Farm goat dairy, established in 2000) in Addison County, Vermont, I live surrounded by my muses—be it the landscape, animals, farms or food, I am constantly moved and inspired by what is around me. I am fascinated by the lay of the land, by the way that light and human existence can create beautiful patterns upon the land, by the bond that we have with our livestock, who are both our friends and our livelihoods.

We are all species existing in a place, in a moment in time, and art keeps me grounded and fully aware in the present. Though my time is stretched thin, and time spent painting is a precious gift, I think being a farmer gives me a unique perspective as an artist, almost an “insider’s view” on all things farm, as I live and breathe it every day.

When I do sit down to paint, my life and my observations reduce down to a pure essence, and it pours onto the surface.  I hope my love for this life comes through in my work and allows to viewer to share in a moment of awe in life’s everyday moments.


Bates College, 1999, cum laude. Multi-disciplinary major in Studio Art, Women’s Studies and Political Science. Participated in group Senior Art Show exhibiting three life sized abstract quilts

2010, The Milk is the Medium, CuchiFritos Gallery, NYC, part of two person show

2011-2016 Edgewater Gallery

2020, Solo Show, Keep it Simple, Northern Daughters Gallery, Vergennes VT, March

2021, Solo Show, Rooted, Northern Daughters Gallery, Vergennes VT.

2022, Dec-Jan, Knowing Darkness, Group Show, Northern Daughters Gallery, Vergennes VT

2022, March, Solo Show, Life in the Valley, Northern Daughters Gallery, Vergennes VT

2023, March, Solo Show, Collective Vision: Beauty in Transitions, Northern Daughters Gallery

2023, Featured Artist: Climate Farmers 2024 Calendar, Vital Communities

In the Media:

Seven Days, Life as Farmer and Painter

Medium, Farming-Artists Edition

Seven Days, Collective Vision: Beauty in Transitions

Winter White, Art New England

Vermont Woman, 2018


Find my work anytime at Woodstock Art Gallery, Woodstock VT and at my studio by appt.

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